Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reason Why

This weekend, I made my triumphant (okay, maybe not quite triumphant) return to the great state of Michigan. I arrived at Chuck's house on Friday and spent the evening hanging out with he, Pookie, Claudio, and RJ. We carved pumpkins, I made applesauce, we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, ate some pizza. It was a glorious evening. Saturday, Chuck and I went to the wedding of his uncle's stepson. It was held in a beautiful Catholic church, and they had a full Mass. I was kind of excited, because I haven't been to church in a while and it was nice to go. The bride was gorgeous and they looked so happy together, which made me smile. The reception was a lot of fun. The food was amazing. I want to eat it every day. Every. Day. Sunday, I did some homework and then came back to the Burgh in the evening. All in all, it was a good weekend.

I gave a presentation last night in my Intro class and it went 600 times better than I was expecting it to go. I did not sing any of my words, I did not throw my notes across the room and I didn't shake until after I was finished. I'm glad it is over, though. That's just one more thing off the list. Thank goodness. I just marked off the first weeks of October on the calendar that is taped to the wall in front of me. I figured that it would help me to visualize the end of the semester. And, um, it made me realize that there are like 7 weeks (not including this one) until finals week. Awesome?

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