Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Do You Wanna Be My Sidedish Friend?

Factory bowling last night was sooo much fun. There were more people there than I have ever seen before. I think there were 10 of us present. I don't even remember my scores, because it was more fun to just hang out and talk to people, especially BFF 4-E! I can't wait for friendship bracelets, boxed wine pong and pancakes with he and Elle. Good times, good times.

I spent most of the day on campus yesterday. K and I went there to find "The Grapes of Wrath" video that was supposed to be on reserve in the library. Our intro class is supposed to have it watched by Monday. When we got there, though, we couldn't get the video drawers open (we felt kind of stupid) and even when we did, the video was not there. The reserve librarian could not find it anywhere. So, we invoked the aid of Laura, the department secretary. She called our professor at home and he called the library and the video was soon relocated. We spent two hours watching it in the viewing room. Then, we went to Subway for some food before going back to Laura's office. We ended up talking to her for an hour before going to the library again to get ready for class. I was so prepared for class yesterday, in terms of dealing with the frigid temperature of the archives, but then we got there and found out that the archivist had turned up the heat for us. Huzzah!

Today, I have a HUGE to-do list, but it is after 11 and I haven't really done that much. I wanted to get up earlier than I did (at, like, 8am) but I couldn't wake up. Ah, well. Now I will just have to work harder and faster to get everything done when I want it to be done. Story of my life, really. Now, I must remember to breathe. And eat. Those are probably important. Yikes.

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