Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Meg White, You're Alright

I am at school right now, hunkered down in the 'Brary with K, attempting to research for a paper I have due in a few weeks. This library seems impressive to me. I was nervous about studying here, but I actually like it now. We traveled on one of the most packed buses I have ever been on and trekked from the bus stop to campus in the rain. Thankfully, we rewarded ourselves with chai lattes, blueberry coffeecake and a fudge brownie. The thing that I like about libraries is that they all have a similar feeling about them. I feel the same quiet atmosphere here as I did at Albion. There are the same kind of people scattered on these designated quiet floors, studying and trying not to laugh at each other. K and I have been IMing one another from across the table and it reminds me of that one time, the all-nighter, in the Ferguson computer lab. I guess the kid at the table behind me smacked his face on his table and I am really sad to have missed it. In any case, some days I am really glad that I am in grad school, still a student, still writing what I want to write about, having assignments to keep me structured, and other days I just wish that I was back in Idaho, working at a job that kept me from 8-5 and allowed me to mostly forget about it when I was at home. I'm not sure how I will feel when it's 2010 and I really have to figure out my life. For real this time. Oh man.

My aunt and uncle and baby cousin might be stopping by this week sometime. They called me on Saturday to say that they were going to Hershey and could they come on Sunday to see me? I said that I would prefer them to come on their way back, because I was pretty consumed with that presentation until last night. I think they might call me tomorrow or Thursday. I hope they do. I've only seen my cousin once ever, during my grandma's surprise birthday party this summer. He's super cute and apparently just got his hair cut, so I will be the first to see that. He had massive, wild curls when I saw him but he turned one this month, so I suppose that it is time to get rid of that. Lame, I think. There is a chance that my aunt is pregnant, which would be really exciting, but both my mom and grandma told me and then instructed me to act surprised when the aunt and uncle actually tell me. I hope I am good at acting surprised. I also hope that they're having a girl.

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