Thursday, December 24, 2009
I'm Coming Home to the Lights and Buzz
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
So, back to happier things. Cookies. I am definitely planning to make chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin and peanut butter cookies. I thought I had sugar cookie mix here, but I do not so I will probably go to the store to get some to make those. I am pretty excited. I bought a handheld mixer yesterday that was on sale and I think I know where the apron Marms gave me for Christmas last year is hiding. Huzzah!
CLRG insisted on giving me my Christmas gift a week ago when it arrived in the mail. I am very pleased that he did. He got me a Kindle and it is glorious. I finished reading Pride and Prejudice and then read Anne of Green Gables. I'm now reading Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte, which has been pretty good so far. :o) He's so thoughtful. What an excellent gift. What an excellent boyfriend!
Okay... I think it's time to prep for the Cookie Baking Extravaganza of 2009.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
I Wonder if You're Still Defending
I guess there is a big storm somewhere in the Midwest? My dad told me today that it might affect Pookie's holiday travel plans and I really hope that it does not. I was surprised when he said something about it at all because it really doesn't feel like winter here yet. It doesn't really feel Christmas-y and I would be really shocked if any snow came and stayed. You know?
Okay... maybe I should write.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Already Gone
Oh less than a week to turn in the majority of my work. Can I do it? I sure hope so.
Cross your fingers.
Also, I think it tried to snow earlier. I am not very pleased.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
These Flights Connect Through Arizona
Monday, November 2, 2009
It's You
Today is my and CLRG's first anniversary. I can't believe it, really. One year ago, I made Elle walk with me to Panera to meet him and then he and I went to Silky's Pub, the Cage and Fanattics. We ate pizza and had some drinks and he drove me home and that was it. I'm so happy with him. He is so smart and cute and funny and thoughtful and loving. I can't remember not knowing him. Honestly. It's a very good thing. I love him so much. It's a fact. You probably already knew that.
The picture below is from the Halloween party he had at his house on Friday. We went as Peanut Butter & Jelly. This is also one of the few pictures in which he is not closing his eyes or making a ridiculous face (not that I don't love those. I obviously do. I make enough ridiculous faces, too) and I think it is magnificent.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Kilroy Was Here
The cats are hanging out with me right now, sleeping in a line at the end of CLRG's bed. Super cute. Just sayin'.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Don't Let Your Mind Get Weary
I have no idea why I am updating. No one cares about my hair. Haha.
Monday, October 12, 2009
I'm Balancing on One Fine Wire
Monday, October 5, 2009
Last Night I Dreamt That I Grew Wings
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Some Things Are Just Meant to Be
I recently bought a frame and put a picture from... the late 60s... of my mom, Uncle S, Uncle R and Geegs hanging out at someone's house. I got it printed last year around Christmas time or something but just never framed it. It is super cute and I love that I can see my face in my mom's. I love it. Oooohh... you know, I bet I have it on my computer somewhere. Okay, well... I found it. But it won't let me upload it. Too bad. :o(
Monday, September 28, 2009
There's Too Many Sunsets I Haven't Seen
There is a memorial in a place not near the cemetery that features part of the eulogy he wrote for a friend that applies pretty well to him, too. Here is part of the eulogy that is drawn from for his memorial:
"He loved the hills in the spring when the snows go off and the first flowers come. He loved the warm sun of summer and the high mountain meadows, the trails through the timber and the sudden clear blue of the lakes. He loved the hills in the winter when the snow comes.
Best of all he loved the fall. He told me that the other night while riding home in the car from the pheasant hunting, the fall with the tawny and grey, the leaves yellow on the cottonwoods, leaves floating on the trout streams and above the hills the high blue windless skies. He loved to shoot, he loved to ride and he loved to fish." -Ernest Hemingway, 1939
I just thought it was kind of applicable for the autumnal feelings I'm having right now. Yep.
These Days I Feel Like I'm Talking to No One
I guess I should take the air conditioner out of my window.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Maybe We Don't Want You Tracking Us Down
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Closing In
Today is the first day of fall, though. That's exciting. I found a tiny acorn on the ground when I was walking home. I would like to go apple picking and on a hayride. I need to make these things happen. CIDER AND DONUTS, PEOPLE!!!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
We Are Not Fighting Anymore
Elle and I successfully moved into the new place. It is very nice and I like it a whole lot. I started my school year a few weeks ago. It's going well so far. Lots of reading, per usual. So, in addition to working 30ish hours, I have class and an internship and hundreds of pages of reading to fit in between having something of a life. Thankfully, I can hang out with CLRG and do homework at the same time, so that is nice. He gave me my birthday present last week (yes, late, but we were busy). It is a fancy ipod and I was/am very excited about its existence. He is just the nicest of boys and treats me so well. *sigh* :o)
Weddings and engagement rings are everywhere lately. There have been a lot of women coming to the factory with MASSIVE diamonds on their left ring fingers. I mean, wow. I have to stop myself from staring at their hands. Haha. It's bad. Also, there are many weddings coming up this next year. Possibly Pooks in May (if all works out), LT in September, Bananne in December. YIKES. It's all very exciting, though. I'm so happy for everyone. I can't wait to help celebrate all of these marriages.
So much to do! So little time! I'll try not to be so neglectful in my blogging from now on. Rawr.
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Last Train Is Nearly Due
Monday, August 10, 2009
You Better You Bet
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Let's Take a Ride to the Seaside

Sunday, August 2, 2009
I'm Dizzy From The Shopping Mall
Anyway, so Bananne and Oldface are coming to the Burgh this week. Wednesday, actually. They are staying until Saturday. I'm excited to see them. If I can get a hold of Cupcake, I think it would be fun to meet up with her but, as always, the chances of her having time to call me back are slim. We might meet up with KBrew and that will be easier because we facebook messaged the other day. She's game. I can't spend a ton of money while they are here, but I'm sure we'd be content to just hang out around my place if we had to. We'll see. :o)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I Just Wanna Be Your Firecracker
I got my permanent PA driver's license in the mail on Thursday. I am so official.
Last night was pretty good. I went to CLRG's house and he had a couple of friends/coworkers over so we watched a movie and hung out. Later, after the guys left, CLRG and I made fishsticks (mmm delicious) and then were invited to the porch gathering that his downstairs neighbors were having. We didn't stay long, but it was nice to hang out and we got to see how they'd arranged their apartment. Then we watched Arrested Development, because we're going through the series. We're almost done with Season Three, though, which is kind of depressing.
Anyway, today is Saturday and I don't have to work and I am pretty pleased with that. I don't know what I will do though. I should go figure that out.
Monday, July 27, 2009
We Tore The Thicket Down, Vine By Vine
I just wrote out my to-do list. It is kind of annoying. It is all of the big stuff that has to happen before we move: new utility accounts, rent payments, etc. I just want it to all be over! I want to move! I got a free desk and I am super psyched about it. The girl that lives there now didn't want it and it is pretty much exactly what I need and where I wanted to put it, so she's just leaving it there. Nicely done, no? I know that my desire for moving day to come quickly will be lessened when moving day is actually here and I haven't done anything in while. But- I have been trying to make progress on things. I think I'm getting ready. I also am helping CLRG get ready to move. He has way more stuff, though, so I think it will be super fun.
Okay. I just got really sleepy. I hate that! And my blood sugar has been weirded out all afternoon and that is annoying. Rawr.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
It's The Time It Takes To Blow Away
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
And So I'm Sailing Through the Sea
I know.
I was so bored last night. I half-wished for schoolwork. Haha. Thank goodness that can't be granted for about another month. Haha.
I am getting some visitors in a couple of weeks: Bananne and Old-Face are hitching a ride on a plane and coming to hang out for a few days. I'm excited to see them. I'm excited for us to do fun things and for them to meet CLRG and for us to go to the zoo and to Pamela's and to the bar. It will be a quality time.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Well, Let The Geek In The Pink Take A Stab At It
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Nothing Can Compare to When You Roll the Dice and Swear Your Love's For Me
Friday, July 10, 2009
I Held So Many People in My Suitcase Heart
And then home brings up the question of what to do for the holidays. I'm worried that my family will be separated at Christmas. I know that I would be welcome at CLRG's family's house and I would be welcome at my grandparents' house, but it's strange to think that I might not see my parents and sister if things don't work out, you know? The parents have to think about coming out for Pookie's graduation in May and they already had me come out last month and it just seems so complicated. So much more than it used to be. Why, oh why?
In happier news, this weekend is the anniversary of Elle and I meeting. We came out to the Burgh about a year ago to find this apartment and struck up a friendship that I know will last forever. I'm so glad I found such a good friend in her. I really don't know what I would do without you, Elle! Thanks for being so awesome.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Paul Said to Peter, You Gotta Rock Yourself a Little Harder
I'm reading To Kill a Mockingbird right now. I haven't read it since high school and so far, so good. It's nice to go back to the things that you started from. Know what I mean?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
You Are Not Alone; I Am Here With You
I'm listening to The Essential Michael Jackson right now and it makes me both happy and sad. It is very sad that he died so young. Very, very sad. I was at the movies with CLRG when I found out for sure and I really hoped that it was a false report. What an icon, you know? And then to also lose Ed McMahon and Farrah Fawcett as well? Tragic, really.
In other news, CLRG and I are going out tonight to celebrate his friend's birthday at some beer place in the South Side. I'm sure it will be a quality time. I don't have to work tomorrow (amazing!) and we got free tickets to the Pirates/Royals game from his sister, so I think it will be a nice day. Woo!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I'm Picking Up Good Vibrations
Side note: I wish I knew how to embed videos in my blog.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Dynamite with a Laser Beam
Anyway, I am working all weekend and I am sure that it will be fun times. CLRG and I are going to his parents' house one afternoon, which will be fun. We have to give them the souvenirs we picked up for them on vacation! Definitely.
Monday, June 15, 2009
All the Birds were Humming, the Bees were Buzzing in the Trees
The vacay was excellent. We didn't do a ton of stuff, but just enough. We had time to just relax, which was what we both wanted, and to hang out with the family. We went to Yellowstone, to the museum, to the zoo, we hit up the used book store more than once, checked out a local diner, played games and watched movies. It was a quality time.
While in Yellowstone, we met up with some family friends that were vacationing there. We hung out in Mammoth and had our picnic lunches together. Here we are, all together (CLRG took the picture, because he is a nice boy):
I took a lot of other pictures, of course, throughout the trip. Elle asked me if I had taken any couple-on-vacation shots and, indeed, there were a couple. I like this one. Don't tell CLRG it's posted here, please, though. Haha. We are both looking pretty decent. That makes me happy. He actually smiled!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Remember Singing the Whole Way Home/About an Indian Summer So Long Ago
The countdown to Idaho is down to three days. Yesterday, CLRG and I went to the Waterfront to find him some new shoes. We also went to the bookstore to get some reading material for the plane and such. I purchased two books. He did, too. Hip, hip hooray!! Now I just have to pack. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Hockey tonight. Game 3. GO PENS.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sugar Cane in the Easy Morning
The Pens won last night. Huzzah! Next stop: Stanley Cup Final! I'm excited. If the Wings win tonight, the finals will start on Saturday, I think, and if they do not, we must wait until next Friday. I can't wait that longgggggg. Rawr.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I'm Awake, Don't Let Me Go Back to Sleep
CLRG and I now have only 10 days until our departure for the West. I'm not as excited to go as I was because my fears of all parties involved getting along have been heightened since yesterday. I can, at this point, pretty much guarantee that I will be spending the entire time fulfilling my role in life (glue. always am trying to be the glue) and worrying if anyone is having fun and if people are being judged preemptively by other people. Of course, all of this is my fault because I'm the one that decided to be honest about something that did not seem that consequential to me and, yet, made everyone flip out. Yeah. Awesome? Not so much. I guess I can only really say that I am glad to be seeing my family and I am glad to be doing something new and exciting with CLRG. I just really hope that the two get along. It would break my heart if they didn't.
So there's that.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I Can't Feel a Thing Without You by My Side
I usually try to read a lot during the summer, because I can't afford the time to do pleasure reading during the school year. I'm doing pretty well so far. I finally finished Emma and have since completed two other books. I'm excited. I think I will probably end up going to the library or raiding CLRG's collection of Vonnegut when I've read through the stuff I have on my shelves here in the Burgh. It's a good feeling.
CLRG and I are going to Idaho so soon! 16 days!! Holy crap. I need to figure out what things I am taking. I don't want to take a lot, you know. I also need to plan the things we will do. I think I keep writing about this. Maybe? I don't know. In any case, here are some things we will probably do:
-go to Yellowstone
-go to the MOI
-take Pookie out for a drink
-hang out with the fam
-visit Tautphaus Park Zoo?
-hang out with MOI friends
Nothing spectacular, really. I just want everyone to be happy and have fun. We'll see how it goes.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
All the Roads Lead Back to You
I am really sleepy. I think I should go to bed.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Every Color Goes Where You Do
In other news... I leave for Idaho with CLRG in... 18 days. 18 DAYS! That's kind of soon. I've been trying to think about packing early so that we're not flipping out the night before. I have also been trying to come up with some things we will do while in town. We're going to go with the family to Yellowstone, of course, so I spent some time talking to CLRG about what he might like to see and do there. I think it will be a fun visit no matter what.
Anyway, I have some time to kill before the game. Maybe I will read. Maybe I will sleep. Hmmmmmm. The possibilities are endless.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Steady Feet, Don't Fail Me Now
In other news, today is Saturday. My only day off from everything. CLRG and I had talked about going somewhere- a little road trip. But this morning he was feeling like crap and hadn't slept through the night, so it's the middle of the afternoon and I am at home, waiting to use the shower. I know that it's not his fault that he feels so badly. I know that he needs to take it easy and try to feel better, but I was really looking forward to doing something different and fun and now it's just a regular day. I, at least, finished reading the book I had been reading this week. That was good. I hope he'll be able to do something tonight.
Monday, May 11, 2009
It's Saturday at the Mansion
In other news, CLRG's birthday (the big 2-6) was on Saturday. We went to the bar with some of his friends on Friday night and hung out, just the two of us, on Saturday afternoon before going to his friends' house for a dinner party and the hockey game. It was a good time. I think he had a good birthday. I also think that he is feeling weird about turning 26 and feeling sort of old. He's not old, though. What a nerd.
I finally finished reading Emma yesterday. I can't believe it took me so long. Ridiculous!!
I need to put laundry away, tidy my room and read before tonights Pens game. Game 6! :oD
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sweet Silver Angels Over the Sea
Hang On to Your Hopes, My Friends
One year of grad school down, one year to go.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Some Dance to Remember, Some Dance to Forget
In happier news, my dad booked tickets for me and CLRG to go visit Idaho in June. I'm really excited. YAY!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ain't Nobody Gonna Bring Me Down
2. What are you wearing right now? Navy blue sweatpants, brown tshirt
3. List 6 of your favourite songs right now: How about my Top 6 in the Top 25 Most Played in itunes?
a) Punchline- Just Say Yes
b) Jason Mraz- Silent Love Song
c) Miley Cyrus- See You Again (this is a surprise to me.)
d) Tristan Prettyman- Madly
e) Britney Spears- Womanizer
f) Punchline-Ghostie
4. What did you have for breakfast? Possibly some freshly sliced ham and cheddar cheese. I was at work.
5. Weirdest habit? Is really needing to put my left shoe and sock on first a weird habit?
6. What was the last present you received? Pookie sent me a Tigers schedule in the mail!
7. What couldn't you live without? My family, my friends, CLRG (truth be told)
8. What time did you go to sleep last night? I believe it was around 2am.
9. What was the last movie you saw? Um... I can't remember. I watched part of whatever it was that Elle was watching this afternoon, but I don't know if that counts.
10. What did you last watch on TV? Some show on National Geographic about a huge prehistoric shark.
11. What are you going to do tomorrow? Go to my internship at the Ketchup and write my paper.
12. When is your birthday? August 19th.
13. Do you have a middle name? Yes, indeed.
14. Which websites do you usually visit online? igoogle/gmail, twitter, facebook, cnn, pandora, ONTD, espn
15. What are your favourite shops? Target, American Eagle, Barnes and Noble
16. Do you like cake? Yes.
17. What was the last book you read? A non-school book? I think I finished The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway in the fall.
18. What can you hear right now? Punchline on Pandora, my computer's fan.
19. Why did you do this meme? I'm supposed to be writing a paper. Procrastination is the name of the game.
20. What are you going to do after posting this meme? Probably write more of my paper...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I've Been Overwhelmed, I've Been Uninspired
This is the Joy That's Seldom Spread
CLRG, Elle, K and I went to a Punchline concert last night. It was a ton of fun. CLRG, since he is friends with the band, was on the list and I was his plus one. I was pretty jazzed, because that's a pretty cute thing. He and I hung out outside and by the bar for most of the opening acts, talking to all of his friends and former fellow band members and people from that scene. The Punchline show was pretty awesome. They were filming for their DVD, premiering their new video, and playing a new song all in one night. We had a quality time. After the show, CLRG and I took K and Elle home and then got something to eat and went to the South Side to hang with his friends for a little while. I had a Coke and laughed at the drunk people. :oD
In other news, I put off writing my paper and final essay for one of my classes for far too long. I need to get moving on that and make some serious headway today and tomorrow (I don't think I'm working, which is helpful). I know I'll get everything done, I'm just annoyed with myself for being so predictable and putting things off. Oh well.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
How Do You Sleep?
The landlord is sending a lease soon, we'll move in mid-August. I'm sooooo ridiculously excited.
So Glide Away on Soapy Heels
In happier news, Elle and I looked at an apartment on Monday evening and we absolutely fell in love with it. It's adorable. The top two floors of a house. There is a full bathroom, eat-in kitchen, living room and small extra room on the 2nd floor and then two bedrooms and another full bathroom on the 3rd floor. It's relatively affordable for the neighborhood in which we live and compared to the places we've seen ads for online. We're going back to see it this evening when Elle is out of work and CLRG is coming with us (you know, to ask manly questions and be all official and whatnot) and I am going to take my camera. Elle took photos on Monday, but we were so excited, that we were distracted and she only got like 5 or something. Haha. Would it be bad to just jump on this one without really looking elsewhere? I don't want it to slip away. It's basically perfect.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Are Your Breathing Patterns on Time, Did You Wake Up in the Morning Breathing Fire?
Work was ridiculous today. I was alone on the line until 9am, when Little J came in and then Pauls came at 10. Thankfully, Citizen S was able to let the new cook come out and help me. He ran orders out and did other things that didn't require a lot of instruction. Things got busy starting at like 7:30am and were still flying when I left after 1. It was seriously insane. It is times like those that make me want to scream. I don't have time to eat or drink or use the bathroom. I can only take orders and make sandwiches. The BEST part, though, is when customers get pissed when they do not get their orders instantaneously. Guess what, ma'am? You had to stand in a long line to order... it's probably safe to assume you'll have to wait more than 5 minutes for your food. Ugh. One old lady yelled at me and told me to make her sandwich first. I told her to shut up and then I punched her in the face. Just kidding. I told her that we did orders in the order they were taken. She wasn't pleased. Whatevs.
Tonight, I think I am attending a shindig with CLRG. I hope it will be fun. It's at the home of one of his coworkers and sometimes those parties end up being me sitting on the couch with a beer while everyone smokes outside and talks in computer speak. He's good about remembering me, though, and that makes me happy. I like his friends.
FAFSA time! Go Go Gadget Federal Aid!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Lookin for Fun and Feelin Groovy
I don't really have much to say today. The weather is beautiful here. I have my bedroom windows open and I did some cleaning in my room and felt kind of springy. Yay.
Easter went well. Sunday evening, I went out with CLRG and his sister and her boyfriend and got really, really drunk. Really. Like, lost-my-contacts drunk. Oh boy. Monday was a rough day.
Time is ticking toward the end of the semester. I have so much to do and so little motivation. Awesome? No...
Friday, April 10, 2009
This Time I Really Think I'm in Love
Thursday, April 9, 2009
He's a Real Nowhere Man
Have I mentioned that I am excited for summer? I can not wait to read what I want to read. I can not wait to do an internship for FUN and work (I don't reeeeeeally want to do this, but it is unavoidable. haha.) and to hang out with my friends and CLRG. Oh boy. I'm so ready. It's coming up much faster than I realize. My last final is on the 5th of May and then I'm freeeeeeeeeeee!! Speaking of the internship, though, it was finalized the other day that I will be an intern in the archives at the Warhol. I'm SO jazzed because I'll be working on the time capsule project, looking through Ol' Andy's random boxes of stuff. So awesome, right? Yes, indeed.
Today, I went shopping with K because I was in search of those elusive black pants for work. I found some, finally, at Macy's. I also purchased this purse (I bought the one that is multi colored on that page) because it was really cute and I was excited about it. I also found two shirts on sale (one of which I will probably wear for Easter dinner). Then, we went to Target where I found a few things that I need for around the house as well as this book. I am a bad girl. But I am pleased with myself, so how does that work out?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I Can't Let You Disappear
I was feeling homesick for Da Och this morning. I listened to Cupcake's Ocho mix while I showered. I printed this picture to hang on my wall:
Living in Da Och was sort of like living in a bubble. A bubble within the LBN bubble. Kind of strange, but true. I spent pretty much every moment I had there and it was heavenly. We did crazy things. I miss our board of quotations and our beautifying experiments on A. I miss dancing on chairs, singing into kitchen utensils. I miss our fabulous parties and the campus safety busts. I really do. I mostly just miss living with 9 of my best friends. It was a treat, you know? I haven't seen A or Twist since graduation... almost two years ago. HOLY SHIT. I graduated two years ago. Lord. It's getting hard for me to remember things from college, which makes me feel both very old and very sad. *sigh*
Hold on for one more day.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Did You Get My Message?
Monday, March 30, 2009
That'll Be the Day
I was at CLRG's house, but it wasn't the same place. There were a LOT of cats there. More than just his, and I had to separate his from the others. I figured out that the cats belonged to the clown that was in the backyard. Awesome, right? The cats had been trained to come into his house via a cat door and had a remote control that they pressed with their paw to open it to get out. I believe that CLRG was in his room during this time, hanging out with someone's mom and I was really pissed about it, especially when he locked his door. I woke up from that one kind of annoyed with him. Oops.
The second dream is even sketchier than that one. I am pretty sure it involved, bicycles, public transportation, BFF4E, Tinkerbell, princesses and Crazy Heroin Lady. I think that BFF4E might have been drunk and it was my duty to get him home somehow while also dealing with all of the things previously mentioned. I think we went to McDonald's, so when I woke up, that's what I was hungry for. I still am, actually. I think I'll try to convince CLRG that we need to go there tonight. Hmmm. Could be an awesome idea.
I really wonder what caused me to have those dreams. I ate kind of late, right before bed, so maybe that's it.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Leavin, But I Don't Know Where
100ish Things
1. Real name → Erika
2. Nickname(s)→ Kiki, OWS, Rika, Reek a leek
3. Zodiac → Leo
4. Male or female → Female
5. Elementary → Stewart School (a Place to Grow)
6. Middle School → LJHS, formerly known as LMS
7. High School → LHS
8. Hair color → Brownnnnnnnnn
9. Long or short → In the middle
10. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
11. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans, mostly. Sweats are nice to be cozy in around my house, though
12. Phone or Camera → That's a hard choice, one I do not want to make
13. Health freak → Not so much
14. Drink or Smoke? → Drink
15. Do you have a crush on someone → Oh, you know... on my cute boyfriend
16. Eat or Drink → Both
17. Piercings → Ears
18. Tattoos → 1
19. Been in an airplane→ A few times
20. Been in a relationship → Presently! But that's about it
21. Been in a car accident → Thankfully, no
22. Been in a fist fight→ Not seriously
23. First piercing → Ears
24. First best friend → Um... I think it was probably J.L.P.
25. First award → Maybe my spelling bee award in 4th grade?
29. Last person you talked to → On the phone, my dad. In person, Elle
30. Last person you texted → CLRG
31. Last person you watched a movie with→ Gully and Petey
32. Last food you ate → Chocolate Matza Crunch!
33. Last movie you watched → Nora Roberts' Midnight Bayou. CLASSIC
34. Last song you listened to → Josh Ritter- Thin Blue Flame
35. Last thing you bought → Ice cream
36. Last person you hugged → Cupcake
37. Food → Lots of things. Perogies? Pizza?
38. Drinks → I'm liking Yuengling these days
39. Clothing → Cardigans. Mmmm.
40. Flower → Daisies are nice
42. Color → Ugh. I really like pink and I don't know how it happened
43. Movie → Of many, I will say... Desk Set
44. Subject → History
IN 2008, I. . .
45. Kissed someone → Yes, indeed
46. Celebrated Halloween → Half-heartedly. There was a drink fountain, though.
47. Had your heart broken → Nope
48. Went over minutes/texts on your cell. → Noooo
49. Someone questioned your sexual orientation. → No
50. Gotten someone pregnant. → No
51. Gotten pregnant. → Nopers
52. Had an abortion → No
53. Done something you've regretted. → I don't know. Maybe not. Things have been good getting to here.
54. Broke a promise. → I hope not
55. Hid a secret. → I'm sure
56. Pretended to be happy. → Definitely
57. Met someone who changed your life. → Yes
58. Pretended to be sick. → Nope
59. Left the country. → No :o(
60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. → Yes
61. Cried over the silliest thing. → Alllllll the time
62. Ran a mile. → Who runs anymore?
63. Went to the beach with a good friend. → Yes. With Pooks, in December. Haha.
64. Got into an argument with your friends. → Not that I can recall
65. Hated someone. → Hmm. I try not to hate, but probably
66. Stayed single the whole year. → No!
67. Eating → Nothing
68. Drinking → Water? Just finished my Mountain Dew
69. I'm about to → Figure out what I am wearing tonight
70. Listening to → Josh Ritter- In the Dark: Live at Vicar Street
71. Plans for today → I worked and napped and now I will read and go to a concert later
72. Waiting for → Spring?
73. Want kids? → Yes, I think so.
74. Want to get married? → Yessssssss. I have wedding fever sometimes
75. Careers in mind → Uh huh. I just hope I can find the jobs
83. Lost glasses/contacts → No
84. Snuck out of your house → Haha, no
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense → Nooo...
86. Killed somebody → Nope
87. Broken someone's heart → I hope not
88. Been arrested - No
89. Cried when someone died → Yes
90. Yourself → Sometimes
91. Miracles → Yes
92. Love at first sight → Absolutely
93. Heaven → Yes
94. Santa Claus → Sort of
95. Sex on the first date → Not so much
96. Kiss on the first date → Oh, sure
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → Yes
99. Do you believe in God → Yes
100. Post as 100 truths and tag your closest friends.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
So I Stopped Looking for Royal Cities in the Air
Gully is here visiting, with Petey, since last night. We went to Pacific Ring for dinner and then went to the Cage to meet up with Elle, BFF4E and The Librarian. CLRG and I stayed longer than my guests from out of town did. Not much, but a little. It was a fun evening. Tonight, I think we're going to dinner with Cupcake and tomorrow, we are going to the Josh Ritter show at Diesel. I'm pretty jazzed. The downside is that CLRG won't be coming to those events and I will miss him. I always miss him.
It is slowly dawning on me how little time I have until the semester wraps up and my things are due. I am... excited. Well, I am excited about the end of the semester and the beginning of summer, but I am not excited about the work to be done. Boo. That always happens.
I should shower and get going with the homeworkings and such. I should. But will I?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
In the Name of Love
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Push Me Till I Have to Fly
Anywaaaaaaaaaay... I have an interview for a summer internship in the morning at The Warhol. I am pretty excited about it. Manders did her museum internship there in the fall and had a really good experience. I am psyched to have the opportunity to do it in the summer and then be able to do a different museum internship in the fall. I'm hoping to do it at the Soldiers and Sailors Museum because my interest in the Civil War has been peaked lately. We'll see how it goes. I think that my friend C would also do his there and we could hang. It would be suuuuuper fun. Wish me luck. I hope it works out!!
Maybe I should get into bed with a book and hope that I can sleep. Yes? Maybe so.
Monday, March 23, 2009
If This Was the Cold War, We Could Keep Each Other Warm
I believe I found this picture on snippet & ink not long ago. I think it's adorable. It makes me smile. Yep, yep, yep.
There's a Song That Will Linger Forever in Our Ears
Anyway, the end of March is near. I keep forgetting that this coming weekend is the one during which Gully will come visit with some other Albion people to go to a Josh Ritter show with Elle, Buddy and I. This reminds me... I should call or text Cupcake and see if she wants to come as well. Hmmmmm.
Let's see... happenings of late. There are a few things to report, I suppose. Nothing major.
-Yesterday, I helped CLRG take his lip ring out. Does this make him CG now, instead? I can't decide. He'll probably always be CLRG.
-It is finally Spring, but the weather is being mean and cold and I want it to be nice and warm again like it was once that one week and once that other week. Rawr.
-The Punchline concert on the 7th was awesome. So awesome. I had a quality time.
-I went to CLRG's parents' house on Saturday after I got out of work. He and his dad looked at his car and I sat in the house doing homework and talking to his mom and sister. It was fun times.
-I am hoping that he and I will get to go to Idaho in June for a little while. I think it can work out... but we will seeeeee.
-I have become very interested (obsessed?) with Oh my. So cool.
-Work has been increasingly difficult to go to. I've been trying to apply for other jobs, but haven't heard a word yet. Kind of frustrating
Well, I need to go find something to lunch on and do reading and research and shower and all of that business because I have today off and I don't have class on Mondays and I need to get something done. Ha.
Pookies!! We got milkshakes when she visited. We are super photogenic. :o)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Spin Round, Tell Me What to Say
I was alerted to this news article yesterday(?) and read it today and now have goosebumps. Sooooooo cool.
Friday, March 6, 2009
We Got Older, But We're Still Young
The weather is beautiful today and, from what I hear, supposed to be even nicer this weekend. YES!!
The lady at the post office mentioned that we are springing forward this weekend. I totally forgot. Is it really true?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Walls Are Caving In
I do not like my internship.
I've been trying not to admit this for many, many weeks, but it is becoming increasingly clear that I am not a fan. K and CK have internships that are fun and exciting. Their bosses are cool and talk to them frequently. RM and I are at the same place and having a lot less fun. Our boss person rarely speaks to us. He clearly favors the interns from his alma mater. I literally have to follow him around to get him to talk to me. I have been working on the same project for the entire semester, sitting at a table, all alone. *sigh* It's frustrated, because I wanted to like it. I thought it would be cool, but I always try to think of a reason not to go. I am going to discuss things with RM tomorrow to decide what our course of action should be. Yesterday, we agreed not to mention it to our professor until after the semester is over, but K's boss said we should talk about it sooner rather than later. It's a sticky situation, you see. My favorite...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Paper Boy's At It Again, But I Can't Get No Sleep
I did get some of those cherry passion tic tacs when I went to the store to get more coke. Ooh, and Chex Mix! The tic tacs are seriously delicious. They will not last through the night. No, indeed.
And, p.s., while we are discussing things that are bad ideas... I got another shift for the weekend. I'm totally cool with that. I want the hours. The only thing is... it's the 6am shift on Saturday. And now my schedule for the rest of the week is: Thursday at 7am, Friday at 6, Saturday at 6, Sunday at 6. Not. That. Awesome. I was looking forward to sleeping in a little bit on Saturday. *sigh* This happened because Elle got a promotion, though, so it's for a good cause. I think she's going to be a fabulous manager. :o)
Annnnnd... I think you should know that my favorite thing in Chex Mix are the delicious, delicious chex. I like the little chip thingers a lot and I think they used to be my favorite, but I definitely love the chex the most now. When I am at the ketchup, I get Chex Mix at lunch and save the chex for last. Mmmm. Deeeelightful.
Monday, February 16, 2009
In The Dark, I Thought I Heard Somebody Call
-Elle has Big Stupid Happy Face
-Pooks is planning to come visit during her Spring Break
-Gull and others might come visit at the end of March
Dinner for K's birthday went well. CLRG, Buddy, Elle, and Davers attended. We went to G's and then K and Davers came over for cake at our house. Marble cake with strawberry butter cream frosting. From scratch. Mmm. So delicious. We had a fun time.
I have a lot of work to do this week, as usual, but I really don't want to do it. Surprised?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
If You Get Scared, Just Hold My Hand
I think it was a successful endeavor. He put it up on a shelf in his living room.
Today is K's birthday. We're going out to dinner at G's. Buddy baked a cake, Elle picked up a gift certificate for her for Dozen, I picked out a funny card. I think it will be the four of us at dinner plus CLRG and possibly a couple of people from school. I think she's excited about it and I am glad.
Elle just reminded me this afternoon of how soon Spring Break will be upon me. CLRG and I talked about doing something, possibly going to Philadelphia, but we haven't talked about it in a while. I should bring it up. I want to get out of here and see something new, even for a weekend. Hmmmmmmm.
Friday, February 13, 2009
How Terribly Strange to be Seventy
Monday, February 9, 2009
Say What You Will
-two new bras (bright, happy colors!)
-a black cardigan
-a nightgown
-these shoes
-face wash
-nail polish
-super cute owl photo frame
We went to Taco Bell afterward, which was delightful. It was a quality day. I spent more than I really should have, but I'm okay with that. Haha.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Everyone's At It
I'm going to a Penguins game with CLRG this evening. I am actually pretty excited about it. I am wearing a really old (okay, okay. 1991) Stanley Cup tshirt right now (I am secretly vying to own it, but he's only loaned it to me at this point) and at the game, we will each sport one of his Crosby jerseys. It will be a delightful time.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Starfish and Coffee, Maple Syrup and Jam

Monday, January 26, 2009
I Wanna Hear You Laugh Like You Really Mean It
Basically, I wanted to post a link to a cute wedding video that I found on Snippet & Ink yesterday. The end.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Swallow Words One by One
Read and enjoy, then get all wild with Black and Gold Fever. It seems appropriate.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
These Are the Days of Endless Dreaming