Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Saturday at the Mansion

I start my internship at the Warhol tomorrow. I'm excited, but I'm also sort of nervous. Plus, I don't want to pay $6 to park there and was thinking I could just ride the bus, but the routes from my place to the museum seem really complicated and I'm nervous that I'll do something wrong and end up late or in the wrong place. And how do you work the transfer slips? I don't even know. Maybe I should drive. Maybe? I don't know.

In other news, CLRG's birthday (the big 2-6) was on Saturday. We went to the bar with some of his friends on Friday night and hung out, just the two of us, on Saturday afternoon before going to his friends' house for a dinner party and the hockey game. It was a good time. I think he had a good birthday. I also think that he is feeling weird about turning 26 and feeling sort of old. He's not old, though. What a nerd.

I finally finished reading Emma yesterday. I can't believe it took me so long. Ridiculous!!

I need to put laundry away, tidy my room and read before tonights Pens game. Game 6! :oD

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