Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Can't Feel a Thing Without You by My Side

Today was beautiful. And, yes, I know that it isn't over yet and I still think it's beautiful, but whatever. It was one of those days that shouldn't end because it's so good. I went to bed at a reasonable time last night, slept eight hours and got up for my internship. When it was lunch time, the other intern and I were told that it might be an hour before we could get back in because the archivists each had plans for lunch that would take longer than a standard lunch break. I had packed a sandwich and some things in my purse before leaving home, so I took my stuff and ventured down to the Riverfront Trail to sit on a bench near the Allegheny and soak in the sunshine. I read my book and took my time eating. It was sooooo nice. After lunch, I went back to the museum and found the other intern sitting in the lobby. He said they weren't back yet, so we explored the museum a little bit before going back to work. When I got home, I finished reading my book while listening to some quiet, classical music with the windows of my bedroom open and the sun streaming in. Perfect? Maybe so.

I usually try to read a lot during the summer, because I can't afford the time to do pleasure reading during the school year. I'm doing pretty well so far. I finally finished Emma and have since completed two other books. I'm excited. I think I will probably end up going to the library or raiding CLRG's collection of Vonnegut when I've read through the stuff I have on my shelves here in the Burgh. It's a good feeling.

CLRG and I are going to Idaho so soon! 16 days!! Holy crap. I need to figure out what things I am taking. I don't want to take a lot, you know. I also need to plan the things we will do. I think I keep writing about this. Maybe? I don't know. In any case, here are some things we will probably do:

-go to Yellowstone
-go to the MOI
-take Pookie out for a drink
-hang out with the fam
-visit Tautphaus Park Zoo?
-hang out with MOI friends

Nothing spectacular, really. I just want everyone to be happy and have fun. We'll see how it goes.

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