Sunday, February 15, 2009

If You Get Scared, Just Hold My Hand

So Valentine's Day was yesterday. CLRG talked about taking me to a monster truck show for a really long time and I thought that was what might be happening (although I was still suspicious that he might have a trick up his sleeve) until he called and said that I could back out of it if I wanted. I told him I would really rather just hang out with him, so I went over to his house and we took a nap and he made dinner. I gave him a sweatshirt that he had been wanting around Christmas time. I think he liked it, because he was surprised when he saw it and put it on immediately and looked super happy. I also made him a really classy valentine using construction paper, crayons, doilies, glitter and the art skills I acquired in the third grade:

I think it was a successful endeavor. He put it up on a shelf in his living room.

Today is K's birthday. We're going out to dinner at G's. Buddy baked a cake, Elle picked up a gift certificate for her for Dozen, I picked out a funny card. I think it will be the four of us at dinner plus CLRG and possibly a couple of people from school. I think she's excited about it and I am glad.

Elle just reminded me this afternoon of how soon Spring Break will be upon me. CLRG and I talked about doing something, possibly going to Philadelphia, but we haven't talked about it in a while. I should bring it up. I want to get out of here and see something new, even for a weekend. Hmmmmmmm.

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