Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You've Already Got Me Coming Undone

My phone has demons. The display was all weird and turned white and now won't do anything. K and I went to the Waterfront this morning to consult with the Verizon store. The ribbon wire (or something involving ribbon something) is broken. It is not fixable. I can get my contacts from it if I want. I cannot get my text messages, which is what is causing me the most sadness. I have messages on there from CLRG from right when we started dating. I saved ones that were especially cute. And now, I can apparently not get them. I used to look at those when I was feeling down and having a crappy day. I know I will get more, but I had just been thinking about how I should write down those messages and then my phone had to go and be dumb and get demons. R had an extra phone that she isn't using, so she gave that to me tonight and all I have to do is transfer my number to it. Very nice of her. I'm just sad about it. Stupid phone. Rest in peace. :o(

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