Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Be Still

So, last week, when I was at a catering job for work, I texted Wifers and told her that I wanted to read Harry Potter. Since she couldn't provide me with the actual book, she provided me with a version to read, drawing from Wizard People. Haha. Anyway, it made me laugh, so I thought I would post it here:

"Once upon a time, there was Dumbledore and Hardcastle McCormick. They saved Master P from Roast Beefy O'Weefy and Saltporker. So Master P goes to school with Harmony and Ronnie the Bear." *The End.*

Beautiful, isn't it?

It is raining here this morning. I am not very excited about it. The tree I can see from my bedroom window has the little green buds on it, and I can see a few leaves peeking out. I'm excited about the trees and flowers all blooming. The rain helps with that, so I can't totally hate it.

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