Saturday, March 28, 2009

So I Stopped Looking for Royal Cities in the Air

CLRG and I had a discussion about photographs on Thursday night. He doesn't like his picture taken. I am aware of this. I decided to bring it up, though, while we were making shells & cheese, because I want to be able to take pictures of us. I'm a historian and it is in my nature to want to preserve things to see them again in the future. He agreed that we could take pictures as long as they weren't super posed and as long as I didn't care that he would make a dumb face and as long as I wouldn't put them on facebook. I agreed. Last night at the bar, we took like 30 pictures. It was very exciting. In them, we are mostly drunk, his eyes are closed and I am laughing, but they are pictures. I am very pleased.

Gully is here visiting, with Petey, since last night. We went to Pacific Ring for dinner and then went to the Cage to meet up with Elle, BFF4E and The Librarian. CLRG and I stayed longer than my guests from out of town did. Not much, but a little. It was a fun evening. Tonight, I think we're going to dinner with Cupcake and tomorrow, we are going to the Josh Ritter show at Diesel. I'm pretty jazzed. The downside is that CLRG won't be coming to those events and I will miss him. I always miss him.

It is slowly dawning on me how little time I have until the semester wraps up and my things are due. I am... excited. Well, I am excited about the end of the semester and the beginning of summer, but I am not excited about the work to be done. Boo. That always happens.

I should shower and get going with the homeworkings and such. I should. But will I?

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