Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Can't Let You Disappear

I was feeling homesick for Da Och this morning. I listened to Cupcake's Ocho mix while I showered. I printed this picture to hang on my wall:

Living in Da Och was sort of like living in a bubble. A bubble within the LBN bubble. Kind of strange, but true. I spent pretty much every moment I had there and it was heavenly. We did crazy things. I miss our board of quotations and our beautifying experiments on A. I miss dancing on chairs, singing into kitchen utensils. I miss our fabulous parties and the campus safety busts. I really do. I mostly just miss living with 9 of my best friends. It was a treat, you know? I haven't seen A or Twist since graduation... almost two years ago. HOLY SHIT. I graduated two years ago. Lord. It's getting hard for me to remember things from college, which makes me feel both very old and very sad. *sigh*

Hold on for one more day.

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