Thursday, April 9, 2009

He's a Real Nowhere Man

*sigh* Oh, Easter Break, I have pined for you for ages. I am so pleased you have finally arrived. No class tonight, no class on Tuesday. Huzzah! I am going to convince CLRG to color eggs with me tomorrow or Saturday. He didn't seem opposed when I brought it up the other day. We are going to his parents' house for Easter. I am slightly nervous, since it is the first major holiday I will be spending there, but I like his parents so I think it will be okay. We're staying over on Sunday night. He and his dad will change the oil in my car, I will do homework, we will hang out. Delightful. I am very sad to not be spending Easter with some portion of my family, though. I don't think anyone is going to my grandparents', not even Pooks, not even my aunt and uncle. I'm sad about it- I feel bad. I think they might go to their niece's house at some point, though, so that works out.

Have I mentioned that I am excited for summer? I can not wait to read what I want to read. I can not wait to do an internship for FUN and work (I don't reeeeeeally want to do this, but it is unavoidable. haha.) and to hang out with my friends and CLRG. Oh boy. I'm so ready. It's coming up much faster than I realize. My last final is on the 5th of May and then I'm freeeeeeeeeeee!! Speaking of the internship, though, it was finalized the other day that I will be an intern in the archives at the Warhol. I'm SO jazzed because I'll be working on the time capsule project, looking through Ol' Andy's random boxes of stuff. So awesome, right? Yes, indeed.

Today, I went shopping with K because I was in search of those elusive black pants for work. I found some, finally, at Macy's. I also purchased this purse (I bought the one that is multi colored on that page) because it was really cute and I was excited about it. I also found two shirts on sale (one of which I will probably wear for Easter dinner). Then, we went to Target where I found a few things that I need for around the house as well as this book. I am a bad girl. But I am pleased with myself, so how does that work out?

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