Saturday, April 18, 2009

Are Your Breathing Patterns on Time, Did You Wake Up in the Morning Breathing Fire?

Ohhhhhhh boy. I took a nap when I got home from work this afternoon and, upon awakening, I got a charlie horse in my left calf muscle. NOT COOL. It wasn't as bad as one I had while at Albion when I woke up screaming in the middle of the night, but it was painful. Thankfully, I kept my cool and calmly stretched it out. Damn, though. Damn.

Work was ridiculous today. I was alone on the line until 9am, when Little J came in and then Pauls came at 10. Thankfully, Citizen S was able to let the new cook come out and help me. He ran orders out and did other things that didn't require a lot of instruction. Things got busy starting at like 7:30am and were still flying when I left after 1. It was seriously insane. It is times like those that make me want to scream. I don't have time to eat or drink or use the bathroom. I can only take orders and make sandwiches. The BEST part, though, is when customers get pissed when they do not get their orders instantaneously. Guess what, ma'am? You had to stand in a long line to order... it's probably safe to assume you'll have to wait more than 5 minutes for your food. Ugh. One old lady yelled at me and told me to make her sandwich first. I told her to shut up and then I punched her in the face. Just kidding. I told her that we did orders in the order they were taken. She wasn't pleased. Whatevs.

Tonight, I think I am attending a shindig with CLRG. I hope it will be fun. It's at the home of one of his coworkers and sometimes those parties end up being me sitting on the couch with a beer while everyone smokes outside and talks in computer speak. He's good about remembering me, though, and that makes me happy. I like his friends.

FAFSA time! Go Go Gadget Federal Aid!

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