Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Just Wanna Be Your Firecracker

How did it get to be August? I think the summer is flying and July went super fast. It's kind of crazy. Soon, I'll be back in school. Soon, I will be living in a new apartment. I'm actually excited for both of those things. I'll probably take back being excited about school by October, but whatever. Haha.

I got my permanent PA driver's license in the mail on Thursday. I am so official.

Last night was pretty good. I went to CLRG's house and he had a couple of friends/coworkers over so we watched a movie and hung out. Later, after the guys left, CLRG and I made fishsticks (mmm delicious) and then were invited to the porch gathering that his downstairs neighbors were having. We didn't stay long, but it was nice to hang out and we got to see how they'd arranged their apartment. Then we watched Arrested Development, because we're going through the series. We're almost done with Season Three, though, which is kind of depressing.

Anyway, today is Saturday and I don't have to work and I am pretty pleased with that. I don't know what I will do though. I should go figure that out.

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