Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Remember Singing the Whole Way Home/About an Indian Summer So Long Ago

I feel like it is necessary to pinch myself sometimes. I am living such a lovely life (and, apparently, an alliterative one) here in the Burgh. I have good friends, a marvelous boyfriend, a cute apartment (come August), a job (yes, it sucks, but it's a job) and am generally happy. One of my coworkers came up to me the other day and said that he had been talking with his therapist and they decided he needed to ask me how it was possible for me to be so cheery at work all of the time. It's a good question, and the answer is obvious: I don't really have anything to be down about. I don't think it's necessary to let stupid customers or little annoying, pointless things bother me. For the first time, I really feel like I know what I am doing. I know where I'm going and I have future thoughts and plans. I'm comfortable with the way I'm turning out. It's a big step for me, one that should be acknowledged, because I'm second-guessing myself less and less and am not as concerned what others think of me as I have been in the past. It's a good feeling. :oD

The countdown to Idaho is down to three days. Yesterday, CLRG and I went to the Waterfront to find him some new shoes. We also went to the bookstore to get some reading material for the plane and such. I purchased two books. He did, too. Hip, hip hooray!! Now I just have to pack. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Hockey tonight. Game 3. GO PENS.

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