Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm Awake, Don't Let Me Go Back to Sleep

Well, the weekend is over. I am glad. Friday night was really low-key. Saturday, I worked and watched hockey, Sunday, I went with CLRG to his parents' house for dinner and yesterday, the holiday, I worked. That is all. Everything else was stupid and irrelevant and mostly about a cookie, which is ridiculous.

CLRG and I now have only 10 days until our departure for the West. I'm not as excited to go as I was because my fears of all parties involved getting along have been heightened since yesterday. I can, at this point, pretty much guarantee that I will be spending the entire time fulfilling my role in life (glue. always am trying to be the glue) and worrying if anyone is having fun and if people are being judged preemptively by other people. Of course, all of this is my fault because I'm the one that decided to be honest about something that did not seem that consequential to me and, yet, made everyone flip out. Yeah. Awesome? Not so much. I guess I can only really say that I am glad to be seeing my family and I am glad to be doing something new and exciting with CLRG. I just really hope that the two get along. It would break my heart if they didn't.

So there's that.

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