Today, I went to the wine & spirits store to get some wine for our Valentine's Day dinner. The first thing the cashier man said to me when I came up to the register was, "Do you know who Mary Pickford is?" I was surprised, given that I just finished reading a biography of Olive Thomas, who was Mary's sister-in-law. I said yes, and told him about that. He then told me that he thinks I look like her. I was surprised, and pleased. I have never been told I look like anyone famous. It was pretty excellent. I am also glad that he said it, because it kind of validates the feeling I've had that my hair looks like it belongs in the early 20th century. Woo! Win! Haha.
Today, I bought a bonnet that I intend for the cats. Yes, I know how that makes me sound. Think about it, though. Cats. In. Bonnets. HILARIOUS. Right? You agree. I may have to cut holes for ears, but whatever. I can do it. I also bought a satin jacket. For me, not the cats. A and I shall wear them together on a satin jacket outing. It will be GLORIOUS.
I want to go on a trip. The Wedding Date is on TV right now. It makes me want to fly somewhere. Someday, someday.
I need to go shopping for work clothes soon. I'm excited.
What happened to Debra Messing? Where's she been?
Things about which I am obsessing today:
-messenger bags
-crossing things off my to-do list
Soooooo exciting.
By the by, I got a new job! I'll be starting on the 22nd and I am excited for it. Though it isn't necessarily what I would like to be doing with my degree(s), it is working for a great organization and it is full time and I will have benefits and a higher wage than I get presently. Woo!
"With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?" -Oscar Wilde
Well, there isn't really any new snow here. Everyone else has snow everywhere and snow days and the like, but life is totally normal in the steel city. Well, maybe not normal but you know. The Super Bowl is very soon, as you know, so things are crazy.
The Princess Diaries is on tv right now. I am glad, because I was hoping to watch a movie or something but I can't figure out how to work any dvd player in our house. Ridiculous. CLRG is telling me how to work the one in the living room. Apparently, I have to use the PS3 remote or something. Why does everything have to be connected to everything? Grrrr.