Well, Oldface and Bananne left today. They were supposed to fly out around 5:30 this evening but were delayed and ended up boarding at like 8:30. Kind of ridiculous, but what can you do? We had an excellent visit. On Wednesday, they arrived and we walked to my new apartment and then to the Factory and then we went out to dinner with KBrew, which was a ton of fun. On Thursday, I had to work so we didn't do too much during the day. I got some packing done while Bananne did schoolwork and then we went to dinner in the evening. On Friiiiiiiday, we went to the Pittsburgh Zoo! It was a grand time. That is where the photograph above was taken. We took many a picture and saw some cute animals. In the evening, we went to dinner with Buddy and Elle and then went to the Cage for some good, old-fashioned libation. We took even more pictures there, mostly silly, and called pretty much everyone we know. Graaaaand times. This morning, I took them to Pamela's to experience the wonder of the strawberry hotcakes and then took them to the airport in the afternoon. I'm so glad they came. I really, really am. I wish that my Wifers had been here, too, but I know I'll see her soon (in Cleveland, mayhaps).
In other news, Elle and I move in one week! Buddy's parents came today and packed all of her stuff into their car(s). Our living room looks strange without furniture. Thankfully, Elle and I have boxes staged down there, in sections. You know, my room stuff, hers, kitchen, living room, storage room. We should be ready come Saturday morning. We'll go get the UHaul and start the process. We have to get the couch from CLRG's place and have to also move his stuff to HatNick's. Should be fun times. I'm hoping that the potential for thunderstorms that Elle read about for Saturday diminishes... I also wish that my parents or grandparents or sister could be here to help me move. I feel kind of sad when everyone's family comes and mine does not. I know it is not logical for them to come, that traveling that far just to do that is silly, but it would be nice to see them.
Elle asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday this evening. I hadn't realized how quickly it is approaching! 10 days from now, I'll be 24. Crazy, right? Right. Yikes.