Sunday, December 7, 2008

I Glimpsed a Bat With Butterfly Wings; Oh, What Marvelous Things

We got a Christmas tree! Though only about as tall as Elle, it is beautiful and perfect for our corner. We went out yesterday, on a roommate date, to see Four Christmases. Following the movie, we rejoiced in the snow that was (finally!) accumulating and went to Target to get the perfect decorations for our tree. Then, we went to Lowe's, found the tree, put it in my car, and drove it home. Elle and I spent some time throwing tinsel on, and placing the ornaments. It looks fabulous.

Later in the evening, I went ice skating with CLRG. I was really nervous about it, but I didn't fall down once! He explained a few things about it and I ended up going pretty fast. He used to play hockey, you see, and he knows things. In fact, I believe that his journey onto the ice yesterday inspired him to play again. I would go watch the games. I may have also promised a sign. Haha.

Speaking of CLRG... on Friday night, he set this song by The Postal Service as the ringtone for when I call. It made me smile. He usually does, though, so I shouldn't be surprised.

1 comment:

FitNotQuitJess said...

No pictures of the tree?