This picture is from our last day of classes, our last big Red Ring outing. Look at all of those historians! It really was a grand time. I think that some of us that have the art history final on Wednesday will go out after that, but it will be a bit different. I think we will probably all need to have a drink. That final is going to be rough. I haven't started studying for it yet because I am trying (TRYING) to write my British Empire final essay, which is annoying and impossible right now. It's due tomorrow... Yikes!
Pookie's bachelorette party was last night. I wasn't able to attend, which was and is very depressing, but she said that it was a lot of fun. She went out with several of her girlfriends from school. I think they showed her a good time.
I was able to talk to my fair Raj yesterday on the phone for about an hour. It was amazing. It had been so long since we actually conversed that I could not remember the last time. We just chatted about life and things and it was really excellent. I talked to my dear Kins today, also, which was so great! We didn't talk for too long, but it was really nice to talk with her also. I am looking forward to being able to call people a little bit more often once I am done with these finals. :oD
This coming weekend is Pookie's (and my) graduation! And then the weekend after that is the wedding! CRAAAAAAZY!!
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