Well, my sister is a married woman. It's strange, but also wonderful. I am so happy for her and for Al. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a ton of fun. The pictures above are two of my favorites from the day. The rehearsal the night before the ceremony was sort of hectic, because the wedding coordinator for the parish was kind of difficult, but it all turned out well in the end because they are now husband and wife! I was talking to Pooks on the phone today while she was driving to their new place and I made her say, " I am moving into an apartment with my husband" just so I could hear what it sounded like. Very interesting. :o) The pictures after the ceremony were a lot of fun. The photographers were amazing and tons of fun and it just flowed really nicely. I am really excited to see the photos. For now, though, if you want to see one, you can go here. Oh man. Can you believe they're finally married? I don't even know what to do about that. Haha.
Helping with the wedding prep stuff made me think more and more about the kind of wedding I would like to have. Of course, I think about this kind of thing all the time, but it just added more depth to my thoughts. For example, part of me really doesn't want to deal with the stress of having a wedding as involved as theirs was. On the other hand, I had a REALLY good time seeing all of my extended family and close family friends and I feel like it would be amazing to have all of those people there for me on my wedding day. Sometimes I think it would be easier to just run off somewhere and get married really quickly and then have a huge party, but I also want to have my family there. I want to have people stand up and watch me declare my love forever and for always. You know? It's complicated. I also would want to make the wedding something that both me and CLRG would want, but we're not even engaged right now so it's sort of hard to gauge where he stands on these issues. We probably won't get engaged until we are actually on a path to affording a wedding, so right now I should just be content to read wedding blogs and imagine beautiful things. Haha. Laaaaaaaame, I know. I'm sorry.
I have some reading to do, and job searching to do, and other things of that nature. I should go do something before it is time to go out with some school people. CK moves this weekend, so we are getting drinks to wish him bon voyage. Sad, sad times. Next up to move is K and I will be really sad when that happens.
May. What a month.
School is done. I have mastered public history.
I still don't have a career type job, but about that we are not surprised.
My sister graduated from college last weekend.
She is getting married this weekend.
I think somewhere along the way we stopped being children and are now something like adults. I don't know when that happened.
You know how I always say that I don't know that I am going to make it through this final or that? And how I always go on and on about how much these finals are killing me? I think it's funny because, no matter how much I complain and whine and get all angry about it, I always do everything I am supposed to. Of course, things are not generally as awesome as they could be, but they are alright and I turn them in on time and then it's over. Silly me. I turned in my final exam essay for my British Empire class this afternoon. All that remains is my art history final, which is stressing me out. After I handed in my paper, I took books back to the library with CK. He had two bags. I had three. We looked ridiculous.
The new Josh Ritter album comes out tomorrow. I have been listening to it on NPR for the past two weeks or so. Amaaaaaaazing. I seriously can't wait to own it and listen to it on repeat for sixteen days. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but come on. It's fabulous. He is playing a show here on the 18th and I really really want to go. Elle said she was interested, K said she had to think about it. It will be great. GREAT. AHHHH. If you want to have a listen, go here and feast your ears on something delicious. For real.
This picture is from our last day of classes, our last big Red Ring outing. Look at all of those historians! It really was a grand time. I think that some of us that have the art history final on Wednesday will go out after that, but it will be a bit different. I think we will probably all need to have a drink. That final is going to be rough. I haven't started studying for it yet because I am trying (TRYING) to write my British Empire final essay, which is annoying and impossible right now. It's due tomorrow... Yikes!
Pookie's bachelorette party was last night. I wasn't able to attend, which was and is very depressing, but she said that it was a lot of fun. She went out with several of her girlfriends from school. I think they showed her a good time.
I was able to talk to my fair Raj yesterday on the phone for about an hour. It was amazing. It had been so long since we actually conversed that I could not remember the last time. We just chatted about life and things and it was really excellent. I talked to my dear Kins today, also, which was so great! We didn't talk for too long, but it was really nice to talk with her also. I am looking forward to being able to call people a little bit more often once I am done with these finals. :oD
This coming weekend is Pookie's (and my) graduation! And then the weekend after that is the wedding! CRAAAAAAZY!!