Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Sweetest Things Get Lost in the Static

So, rather than writing the paper or reading the book I have due for class tomorrow night, I have been reading the news a little bit. While on, I read this article about Obama. I really enjoyed it. I think the thing I like most about Obama so far is that he creates a feeling of unity that the US was seriously lacking these past few years. He makes me excited about being an American. I appreciate that, as a woman, I have the right to vote, that I voted for him, and that he's going to bring change to Washington. I'm also excited to see what kind of puppy he and his family get. Haha.

I am 99% sure that I want to get married some day. I just feel weird talking about it sometimes because it isn't a viable option right now. Or something. It doesn't really make sense. However, no matter when or if or who I marry, I will want it to be a fabulous affair. In a perfect world, I would have Laura Novak as the photographer. Her stuff is genius, and just bursts with life. I love it. See here:

I was reading Snippet & Ink yesterday, and I saw some of the cutest engagement photos. Bah. I should really probably stop reading things about weddings because it is just making me feel crazy. You know? Anyway, here's one of the photos I mentioned:

Ridiculously cute. *sigh*
I met CLRG's cats last night when I went over to his place. They are super cute and, even though I tend not to like cats, I liked these. One of them liked me, too, and sat next to me on the couch when I was doing homework. Having that cat next to me made me miss Miles and all of his crazy antics. And then seeing the cats interacting with CLRG made me miss Jack. I can't wait for Christmas, because the parents are bringing the dog with them when they come. Can it please just be Christmas now?!
all we are, we are

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