Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

Well, looky here. It is almost Christmas! I can't believe it! I was pretty concerned that Pittsburgh wouldn't have any snow for the holidays but, on Friday, it started snowing and now we have a respectable amount of snow. It's snowing right now, too! Yay!!! Anyway, so Christmas is fast approaching and it is weird because I don't really feel super Christmasy. Sure, the snow helps; yes, getting gifts mailed out to my family helped; maybe the cookies I will bake today will help also. Buuuuuut.... my family is all kinds of scattered right now and it seems mostly wrong to be apart on the holidays. Pookie and Marms will be together with the dog, but Dadders will be alone and I feel really bad. I'll be here, but thankfully I have CLRG and we are going to his parents' house for dinner on Christmas Eve. I found out that I have the 24th-26th off from work and the thought crossed my mind to go see Dadders, but it really is too far for such a short visit, especially when he has so much work he is doing and so little free time. :o( It just sucks. Rawr. I don't even know what more to say about it.

So, back to happier things. Cookies. I am definitely planning to make chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin and peanut butter cookies. I thought I had sugar cookie mix here, but I do not so I will probably go to the store to get some to make those. I am pretty excited. I bought a handheld mixer yesterday that was on sale and I think I know where the apron Marms gave me for Christmas last year is hiding. Huzzah!

CLRG insisted on giving me my Christmas gift a week ago when it arrived in the mail. I am very pleased that he did. He got me a Kindle and it is glorious. I finished reading Pride and Prejudice and then read Anne of Green Gables. I'm now reading Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte, which has been pretty good so far. :o) He's so thoughtful. What an excellent gift. What an excellent boyfriend!

Okay... I think it's time to prep for the Cookie Baking Extravaganza of 2009.

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